Pokemon Trainer meme

9 min read

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Mutant-Girl013's avatar
Didn't get Tagged or anything (THANK GOD PEOPLE!!!) Finally someone not tagging me XD but i found it on :iconantarija: Deviantart and it seemed fun so here we go.

You started your Pokémon journey:

1) At age 10.
2) At age 15.
3) After finishing high school.
4) After finishing college.
5) As far back as you can remember; You grew up in the wilds with Pokémon.
6) No idea; You suffered an accident that erased your previous memory.

Did i seriously wait after finishing high school... must have been my parents doing XD

The weather was:

1) Sunny.
2) Sunny with some clouds.
3) Cloudy.
4) Rainy.
5) Snowy.
6) A natural disaster.

Of course well as long it aint raining im happy xD

You started your journey because:

1) You want to be the very best.
2) You want to catch ‘em all.
3) You want to be a master coordinator.
4) You want to meet many people.
5) You want to discover new Pokémon.
6) You want to explore lost places.

Explore lost places ha, let's find ourselfs some mega stones than! and maybe i run into a legend or two xD 

Your starter Pokémon is:

1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Umbreon
Nickname: Kuro

Oh my beautifull creature of the night!

In the beginning, your starter:

1) Was practically your twin.
2) Became your friend immediately.
3) Liked you.
4) Was wary of you.
5) Disliked you greatly.
6) Tried to kill you.

We were just meant to be partners, lets stay side by side

The first great obstacle of your journey was:

1) A rival battle.
2) A treacherous route.
3) A wild Pokémon attack.
4) A Pokémon gym.
5) A battle with a criminal team member.
6) A sapling.

Still got one Pokemon but who cares i'm gonna kick this gym leaders butt!

At this obstacle, the two of you:

1) Triumphed with little resistance.

2) Achieved victory, though it was tough.
3) Won, but just barely.
4) Tied with the opposition.
5) Lost, though you put up a good fight.
6) Failed miserably.

We totally kicked their ass Kuro!! you're the best

The second Pokémon you caught is:

1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Shinx
Nickname: Kenma

Aw so adorable, please don't electrocute me!

Your starter and second Pokémon:

1) Love each other dearly.
2) Are good friends.
3) Get along well enough.
4) Don’t seem to like each other.
5) Ignore each other.
6) Are constantly at each other’s throats.

good their not fighting *pfew* means i wont get hit by accident XD

When the sun begins to set, you:

1) Set up camp immediately.
2) Make a fire. You need nothing else.
4) Keep walking. A lack of sun makes no difference to you.
5) Break into a run, hoping to find shelter before nightfall.
6) Pick up camp. You only travel at night..

I knew it i'm a creature of the night just like my Kuro XD Did i ever mentioned that i'm scared of the dark xD

You pass through civilization:

1) Often enough to keep your electronics charged.
2) At least once a week.
3) If it happens to be on your way.
4) Occasionally, but only for supplies.
5) Rarely, and only on the outskirts.
6) Never.

Lets hope the citys and towns are a lot on my way than XD i get lost all the time

Your third Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Starly
Nickname: Tengu

a bird just flew in my face and i caught it XD cause eh why not 

The three Pokémon on your team:

1) Work together flawlessly.
2) Cooperate well, but could use some work.
3) Have moments of synergy, though not often.
4) Try their best, yet are on completely different beats.
5) Constantly work against each other.
6) Blame you for their horrible collaboration.

TT^TT sign... what did i do wrong. 

When the going gets tough:
1) Your team pulls through every time.
2) Your starter carries the weight.
3) You come up with a brilliant solution.
4) You win by hax.
5) You win by dumb luck.
6) You get going the opposite direction.

We can do this team! lets show them what were made off!!

Two evolutions have occurred by this point:
1) Starter and 2 evolve.
2) 2 and 3 evolve.
3) 3 and starter evolve.
4) Starter evolves twice
5) 2 evolves twice.
6) 3 evolves twice.

my little Tengu already evolved O^O also i think he can't she shit with that thing in front of his eyes xD

Over time, you find you work best with and mostly train:
1) Grass, Bug, and Poison types.
2) Water, Ice, and Flying types.
3) Fire, Electric, and Fighting types.
4) Ground, Rock, and Steel types.
5) Dark, Ghost, and Psychic types.
6) Normal, Dragon, and Fairy types.

I'm the night itself XD 

Your fourth Pokémon is:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Pawniard
Nickname: Ruby 

my little badass girl, dah please dont hug me! *rip*

Your fifth Pokémon is:

1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Latios
Nickname: Sorey

O^O all this exploring suddenly got me somewhere DAMN O^O 

Your sixth Pokémon is:

1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Charizard - mega evolution
Nickname: Saphire

I know we just met but i can just feel the power of our bond TT^TT its beautifull

You are offered a trade, and it’s up to you to take it or leave it:
1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)

Pokemon: Surskit
Nickname: Stormfly

sorry but no thanks, i'm not that into bug pokemon. 

Another evolution occurs:

1) Starter evolves.
2) 2 evolves.
3) 3 evolves.
4) 4 evolves.
5) 5 evolves.
6) 6 evolves.

my little girl became a real fighter 

Your team:

1) Is your family.
2) Gets jealous whenever you interact with other trainers.
3) Would protect you from anything.
4) Is loyal to you, but mostly aloof.
5) At least tolerates each of their differences by this point.
6) Is a pretty much a big, chaotic mess.

I really love you all like a familie O^O 

You travel mostly by:

1) Well-worn footpath.
2) Overgrown trail.
3) Water.
4) Air.
5) Cave.
6) Wilderness.

Have i ever mentioned you guys that i cant swim *^* oh well lets travel by water. 

Another evolution occurs:
1) Starter evolves.
2) 2 evolves.
3) 3 evolves.
4) 4 evolves.
5) 5 evolves.
6) 6 evolves.

Ok i just went with nr 2 here cause i dont see the others evolving any further xD

Your journey takes you:

1) Not far from home.
2) Across the region.
3) To another region.
4) Across many regions.
5) Around the world.
6) To places unknown.

To places Unknown.... sounds like i've been going to a lot of secret places, legendary caves pherhaps. XD i like a little adventure 
The strongest Pokémon you faced in battle on your journey was:

1) SHINY BONUS (use Random Pokémon Generator)
2-6) (use Random Pokémon Generator)


Another evolution occurs:
1) Starter evolves.
2) 2 evolves.
3) 3 evolves.
4) 4 evolves.
5) 5 evolves.
6) 6 evolves.

Kenma you got so big O^O my beautifull cub has grown!

The event with the greatest impact on you was:

1) Becoming a Pokémon Champion.
2) The grand evolution of a team member in a dire moment.
3) Finding a hidden landmark of great beauty.
4) Encountering a legendary Pokémon.
5) Having an out-of-body experience in a haunted building.
6) Discovering you’re a child of Mew.

Sorey that be you XD battling you and having you join our party its just amazing. 

The hardest trial you ever faced was:

1) Fighting your rival to become Champion.
2) Realizing just how much you have to walk and still sticking out this whole journey thing.
3) Being lost for weeks.
4) Assisting in taking down a criminal organization.
5) Losing a Pokémon.
6) Realizing there are way too many Pokémon to ever catch ‘em all.

Rissa you're the best rival i've had! now let me stay champion will you XD

Your starter:

1) Is your strongest Pokémon and best friend.
2) Is your good friend, but far from the strongest.
3) Is your strongest Pokémon, but emotionally distant.
4) Is about the same as the rest of your team.
5) Stayed behind some point during your journey.
6) Is deceased.

Kuro we've gone through a lot together so please stop with the emo aditute XD
And you are now:

1) Gambling all the money you’ve earned in the Celadon Game Corner.
2) Hidden away at the top of Mt. Silver for an indefinite amount of time.
3) Exploring the many islands littered in the oceans surrounding Hoenn.
4) Lost in the Distortion World after a mishap in the ruins at Mt. Coronet.
5) Trolling inexperienced trainers in the Driftveil World Tournament.
6) Reflecting on past decisions beside the monument of Geosenge Town.

What's with me and islands O^O i really should learn how to swim than i guess XD

The team that saw you to your journey’s end:

Guys you're just the most badass team there is, and were worth being champions!

The rivals who shared the journey with you (tag time): Rissa get a Deviantart account!! i wanna tag you!! XD im gonna tag some peeps later 
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